Friday, August 21, 2009

Today was my due date

And no baby Andrew yet. Although I'm very anxious to see and hold my baby after carrying him for the last 40 weeks, I'm also staying pretty calm and relaxed and just trying to enjoy my time with Bill before life gets a little more hectic. As of yesterday, he is on vacation for the next two weeks, so we're just hoping Andrew decides to come sometime within that time so the three of us can have some family time together before Bill has to go back to work. So my due date was pretty uneventful, we've just been hanging out close to home trying to pass the time until our son decides to make his grand entrance. Today we went out and ran some errands and then had lunch at my mom's. Afterwards we went to the library so I could check out the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" which I've recently heard is a must read for new parents. My goal is to finish it this weekend. And tonight we have settled in for a long night of HGTV, Food Network, and our favorite show Psych. Let the waiting game begin...

1 comment:

MyRunningJourney said...

I'm anxiously waiting with you!!!!